Like it or not, it’s that time of year again! The transition from summer to winter is happening, and it’s time to start preparing your home for those colder temperatures. While you’re putting away your summer clothes, storing your outdoor furniture, and trading in your sandals for your heavy boots, don’t forget to prep your home for winter too. Here are some tips for winterizing your home.
- Change your air filters. With the A/C on all summer, your filter is likely to have accumulated a significant amount of dust and dirt. Start the winter right with a fresh air filter to increase your home’s energy efficiency.
- Clear away dirt and debris from your outdoor A/C unit and protect the unit from the harsh winter elements with a breathable cover. Or you can build a shelter around the unit or cover it with a piece of plywood weighted down with some bricks.
- Weatherstrip your doors and windows. Sealing your doors and windows will prevent cold air leaks from seeping in. A drafty home in the winter is not only uncomfortable but also a waste of energy and money.
- Turn on your whole-home humidifier and set it to match the temperature outside. Controlling the humidity inside will add moisture to the air, making it more breathable and less dry in the cold winter months. This should help reduce dry coughing throughout the season. While you’re at it, check your humidifier pad and replace it to maximize performance.
- Set your programmable thermostat for the ideal temperature schedule for the fall and winter. Aim for a daytime temperature of 68 to 72 degrees and a nighttime temperature of 62 to 66 degrees.
- Schedule your maintenance check-up. When we receive emergency service calls, the number one reason for system failure is dirt. Dirt accumulates over time, and it actually builds up quickly. With regular maintenance, you can rest assured knowing that your equipment has been cleaned and checked and that it is running at its top performance.
Give American Star Total Home Comfort a call to schedule your maintenance check-up so that you’re ready for the changing season. Don’t wait until there’s snow on the ground! The sooner your check-up is scheduled the better. Get ahead of those who wait until the last minute, and head into winter knowing your home is ready to safely and effectively keep you warm and comfortable as temperatures drop. While you’re at it, check out our Maintenance Club for more information and deals.